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Page 19

  In the bathroom. In the kitchen.

  Once in the Jeep.

  Mmm. That time had been out by the ocean, a storm blowing in. They’d cut it close.

  Galen gathered up Shane’s hands, secured one, then the other to the bedposts. Then he dug out the cock ring, along with the little chain that connected it to the little decoration between Shane’s nipple rings.

  Oh, somebody remembered that too. That strong little body went tight, thighs hard as rocks beneath him.

  He stroked Shane’s chest with his free hand, tugging the nipple chain. “Yeah. Yeah, you like that, huh, darlin’?”

  That little groan was enough to make a dead man hard, the way those nipples went dark even better. “You know I do. Like how it makes you look at me.”

  “And I like how it makes you look.” He sat back, straddling Shane’s thighs so he could snap the cock ring into place, then traced the chain up to clip it where it belonged. “Oh fuck, Shane.”

  Shane took a deep breath, stopped when that pulled, tugged that chain, those nipples stretching. “Len….”

  “So fucking fine, Shane. So damned mine.” Galen bent, carefully not brushing the chain, and kissed Shane hard.

  Shane opened right up, tongue pushing and sliding against his, not backing down even a bit.

  Galen kissed him, loved on him, tasted him. Yeah, that got Shane to focus, got him pulling at the cuffs, got that hot body writhing under him.

  One of those legs caught him, wrapped around his hip and held him close, giving Shane something to rub against. Oh no. It wasn’t gonna be over like that.

  Grinning, Galen moved away, prying Shane’s leg off him so he could move aside and kneel next to Shane’s hip. “Naughty, darlin’. I told you I have plans.”

  He got a little pout, Shane twisting toward him, then stopping short as the long chain tugged again.

  “Uh-huh. I can see you, darlin’. I can see every little movement of your muscles.” And of that sweet cock too, as it quivered. Galen touched the tip of it with one finger, listening to Shane’s breath.

  Hot, wet—his fingers slipped over the slit, pressing in. Shane’s thighs parted, hips rolling right up toward the touch.

  The way Shane responded to him always awed him. Galen chuckled, bent to touch his tongue to one of Shane’s nipples before blowing air across it, watching for a reaction.

  Oh, pretty. The skin wrinkled up, sliding against the ring as it went hard. The skin goose pimpled up, Shane shivering for him.

  He grinned, rubbing his stubbly chin against it. “I do love that, Shane. I surely do. You have the prettiest shivers.”

  “Galen.” The chains rattled, Shane trying to reach for him. “Fuck.”

  “Wait, darlin’. Have a little patience.” He growled, rewarded Shane with a kiss, fingers rising to tug the chain between cock and nipples.

  Shane dug his heels into the mattress, arched up into him, just like that.

  Galen used his free hand on Shane’s hip to hold him down, mixing it up with leaning to bite the flesh on the inside of Shane’s arm, lightly, but enough to leave a tiny mark.

  “Oh. Shit. Galen. Again.” Shane bucked against his hand, starting to rock, hips wanting to roll.

  “No. Not gonna do the same thing twice.” He was going to keep Shane guessing. He moved back, licking across Shane’s belly, chin pressing the little trail of hair down to Shane’s cock.

  Fuck, but Shane smelled good. All hot and male with a hint of soap. Musky. “Driving me crazy, Len.”

  “Am I? You were driving me nuts, Shane. All that wiggling and dancing and scrubbing and all….” He moaned, skipped down to Shane’s thighs, nuzzled the tender skin on the insides. Those thighs spread so pretty, giving it up for him. Shit. Cock high and hard, balls drawn up between, Shane was like a feast. Galen tugged that little chain again, watching Shane’s cock bob with the pressure.

  Soft babble started, Shane promising the goddamn world to him. The man meant it too. Oh, hell, yes. That deserved something, like maybe the flat of his tongue lifting Shane’s balls, tasting the salt-musky flavor of his very own lover. Addictive.

  The tiny soft hairs tickled his tongue, the skin wrinkling up, shifting on his tongue as Shane moaned. Galen hummed, nudging the sacs back and forth, hands stroking Shane’s thighs, the backs of those cute-as-fuck knees.

  Every so often he’d hit a ticklish spot or a hot spot and he’d get a jerk, a twist. Then the sudden stop would come, Shane moaning as the chains pulled. So good.

  Finally Galen spread Shane’s legs as wide as they would go, straining those fine muscles, and moved up to kneel between, his cock against Shane’s balls as he pulled that chain sharply. “Wanna fuck you, darlin’.”

  Shane nodded, lips parted, eyes wide as all get-out. “Yeah. In me. Deep. Now.”

  He nodded, reached for the little tube of lube they kept in their box of tricks, and got his fingers good and wet. Then he slipped two into Shane’s body, pushing nice and deep. Shane rolled, riding his fingers immediately and furiously, so there, so into him it damn near ached. Galen moaned, growled, his cock twitching and throbbing so he hurried, moving his fingers in and out, stroking lube over his own cock with his other hand. Damned near yanking it. Come on, come on.

  “Fuck. Fuck, you’re hot. Want you, Len. Please. Come on.”

  Shane’s body told the same story, and Galen pulled his fingers free, putting his cock where they’d been, holding it steady so he could slide right in. Soon he was seated deep, hips against Shane’s ass and thighs, his fingers reaching, twisting Shane’s nipples.

  “Shit. Len. I.” Shane was fucking vibrating, tugging at the cuffs, ass squeezing him.

  “Yes, you do. Goddamn, Shane. You fucking kill me. Love you.” He did. With every damned bit of him. Galen started moving, finding a rhythm, watching every move make Shane shake and groan.

  “Love. Galen.” Shane stretched, managed to get a kiss, tongue sliding right into his lips, fucking them in time with his thrusts.

  The kiss got hard, desperate, their lips bruising right up. Galen thrust harder, faster, knowing Shane’s cock had to be aching, knowing he was driving Shane nuts.

  Shane jerked his head back, keening. “Len. Len. For you. Please. Please!”

  “Uh-huh.” Rearing up, he snapped the cock ring open, letting Shane go, letting him feel every little thing as Galen thrust and stroked in time, loving on him. Needing Shane to come for him now.

  Spunk sprayed over Shane’s pretty belly, Shane going tight enough around him to ache.

  Hollering, Galen shot hard into Shane’s body, pulling that little chain one last time, getting one last contraction of Shane’s muscles for his trouble. Fuck, yes, his Shane could focus when he needed to.

  The sweet as fuck little moans got slower and softer, Shane lax and sated beneath him. Oh, hell, yes. That was pretty.

  He let Shane’s arms loose, knowing they’d be sore if he didn’t, wanting to feel them around him. “You make sure you put me on your to-do list from now on, darlin’.”

  “Mmm-hmm. The top of it.” Shane wrapped all around him, nuzzling right in like a sleepy pup, making him grin.

  “Love.” He squeezed, tossing things back in their box of toys and putting it aside before curling in tight and covering them with the sheet. “Always.”

  He got a nod, a sweet little sigh, and then Shane was gone, sound asleep and holding on tight.

  Galen smiled up at the ceiling. He figured they were getting better at this talking-shit-out thing. Or at least poking each other when the need was up.

  That was good enough for him.

  Next time he’d have to do Shane over the kitchen table.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  SOMETIMES ALL a man needed was a beer, a nice warm day, a half-naked lover, and a phone that had gone into the lagoon. Sploosh.

  In fact, Galen couldn’t remember seeing Shane so het up since, well, since events that were best left unremembered. It had been fucking cute. Shane had taken
that phone, stuffed it right up that thawed chicken’s butt, and tossed it, hollering for old Vic at the top of his lungs.

  Once Shane had settled, well, things had gotten a lot calmer, and now they were both out on the deck, the sun baking them, the heat almost too much to move in. Almost. Galen flicked some cold drops of condensation at Shane.

  Shane stretched; the water and the sweat on that flat belly rolled right on down. “Mmm… hey, Len.”

  “Hey, darlin’. This was a good idea.” Even if Shane had gone to… extremes.

  “I have tons of ’em. Good ideas.” Shane grinned, the look smug as all get-out. Little shit.

  “Uh-huh.” The way the sweat outlined Shane’s muscles, made his skin shimmer, Galen wasn’t gonna be in any mood to bitch.

  Shane slid his hand down, unsnapped the button on those cutoffs, and eased the zipper right on down. Oh. Hello.

  His eyes widened, and Galen licked his lips. “Shane, darlin’? You forget I’m here?”

  He was there. He could help.

  “Not even a bit. I was sorta hoping you were paying attention….” That pretty cock pushed free, heavy and hard, skin shining in the sun.

  “Umm-hmm. I am paying attention, darlin’. I promise.”

  Smooth, tanned skin. Sweet cock. Musky male scent. Hoo yeah.

  “Yeah?” Shane spread a little wider, thighs falling off either side of the deck chair, hand starting to move, teasing him.

  “Uh-huh. I….” His mouth went dry, and Galen sipped his beer. “You look good, Shane. Real good. Edible.”

  “Mmm. Edible. I like that.” One hand moved to those little gold rings, twisted and tugged, showing off for him.

  “Hot. God, darlin’.” Galen’s cock pushed against the zipper of his cutoffs, putting the pressure on, really letting him know it was there.

  “It is.” Those eyes met his dead-on, hotter than the hinges of hell. “And all yours.”

  “Uh-huh.” Before he even thought about it, Galen was out of his chair and on his knees next to Shane, rubbing his cock through his shorts. And bending to suck on Shane’s.

  “Yes.” The word was bitten out, Shane’s feet planting on the deck as the man arched, hips thrusting up toward him.

  “Mmm-hmm.” Galen opened his mouth and pulled Shane in, his head sliding down, lips sealing tight around Shane’s prick. God, yeah. His.

  There was nothing like watching those muscles ripple, seeing the sweat turn that skin shiny, and hearing the deep, rough cries that tore out of Shane’s throat.

  That and the taste, the feel of Shane’s skin. Oral? Him? Galen chuckled, his free hand coming up to yank at Shane’s shorts, searching for Shane’s balls, needing the different texture. Shane spread even farther, balls just as soft as anything against his fingers. That delicate skin wrinkled right up, moving and tightening as he touched.

  So responsive to him. Shane awed him, he really did. Galen sucked harder, closing his eyes and really pulling, cupping the warm balls, cradling them.

  “Been needing you. So bad.” The words were whispers, low enough he could ignore them as Shane’s fingers slid through his hair. The motions of those lean hips got rough, random, graceless as Shane got close. Tuning out everything but the taste, the feel, the movement of Shane’s body, Galen moved, up and down, pulling Shane in and out.

  He could feel it, feel the heat and the tension filling Shane, feel the snap of Shane’s hips the second before bitter-salt flooded his mouth.

  Galen sucked it all down, running his tongue along the underside of Shane’s prick, massaging those sweet sacs. God, he loved this.

  The chair creaked as Shane relaxed down into it, going all melty and boneless.

  Shane’s cock finally slid out of his mouth, Galen taking one last taste of the slit at the tip. He leaned his head on Shane’s hip.

  “See? Told you I was paying attention.”

  “Mmm-hmm. Amazing what you see when you’re not on the phone.”

  He nipped one hipbone. “Yeah, yeah. The phone is in the chicken.” That sounded so ridiculous that he snorted.

  “The chicken is in the gator.” Shane hooted, eyes just dancing.

  “And the gator isn’t gonna give it back.” Putting his faith in the strength of that stupid lounge chair, Galen crawled up with Shane, rubbing a little.

  “No fucking way. And I ain’t giving you back yet either.” Shane’s hands landed on his ass with a smack, pulling him down harder.

  His skin jumped, his eyes going wide again. Damn. That stung. Galen grinned, kissing Shane hard, the angle awkward as hell but working for him anyway.

  Shane kissed him back, just as hard, stealing his breath clean away as those hands squeezed his ass tight enough to bruise.

  Someone was hungry. Someone was worrying. Galen cupped Shane’s head, leaning into the kiss, saying all sorts of shit with his mouth. I need you too, darlin’, he thought. So bad.

  The sweetest fucking moan pushed into his lips, Shane giving it up for him, letting him hear. Then those hands on his ass started moving him, rubbing him against all that hot, smooth skin.

  Galen struggled some with his shorts, not wanting to let go of Shane but needing to let his cock rub too, wanting the fabric gone.

  Shane didn’t help; those hands were fastened on his ass, squeezing good and tight.

  “Darlin’, I have to. Oh, there.” He heaved a sigh of relief as the cutoffs slipped down and he could get full-on friction going. God, yeah.

  “Yeah.” Shane nodded, arching right up into him, giving him those muscles, that skin to push against.

  “Oh.” Galen moaned and went for it, the chair creaking under them as he thrust and thrust. His head was gonna explode. It really was.

  Shane’s teeth slid on his jaw, and then he heard the whispered, “Mine,” before Shane’s mouth fastened on him, the suction starting up.

  Crying out, Galen humped Shane’s belly, his cock jerking as he shot, coming hard enough to kinda hurt. Oh, so good.

  “Yeah. Yeah, just like that.” Shane was purring, holding on tight.

  “Yours, darlin’.” He needed to remember that sometimes. Maybe every time he got too wrapped up, Shane would call his old cell phone and Victor would ring somewhere and it would remind him.

  Shane nodded, cheek sliding against his. “Yeah. And everybody best start remembering it, before I get grumpy. Cell phones are probably gonna give Vic the trots.”

  “Yeah. But he likes the chicken.” Personally, Galen figured Vic could consume an entire electronics store and not get the shits.

  “I don’t think he even tastes it.” Shane leaned up, kissed him, nice and slow.

  “Mmm.” That kiss settled him. Made him hum. He stroked Shane’s back, feeling the silkiness of sweat under his fingers.

  “You want to go run a bath, get all cooled off and soapy?”

  “Uh-huh. Sounds great, darlin’.” That meant moving, but hey. He could do that. Eventually.

  Shane nodded again, settling with a happy little hum.

  They’d nap. Bathe. Eat something not chicken. And then they’d go to bed, and Galen would spend the night making up to Shane for a touch of neglect.

  It was the least he could do before he had to go buy another phone.

  More from BA Tortuga

  Stormy Weather: Book One

  Galen Frost buys a house and a bait shop in a small Florida town to get away from his life as a semipro football player. When he meets good-time bartender Shane Barton, the heat between them is instant and intense—like the burn of good whiskey.

  Galen and Shane don’t have much in common beyond their healthy libidos and their love of a good time, but the intoxicating heat brings them together like rain on the ocean, whipping up a frenzy of weather… good and bad. When trouble blows ashore, they will have to ride out the storm that breaks between them as Galen’s past rears its ugly head.

  Leaning N

  A fist fight, a snowstorm, a stolen kiss in the barn… and a second chance at love. />
  Ford Nixel has two law offices, two fancy condominiums, and all the right connections. In short, he has everything he wants.

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  Ford arrives at the Leaning N to find Stoney, now a single father, right where he left him. A fist fight, a snowstorm, and a stolen kiss in the barn later—Ford knows none of the heat between them has dissipated.

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