Tropical Depression Read online

Page 18

  Slipping back up between his legs, Len pushed Shane’s knees up over Len’s wide shoulders, cock slipping against his hole. Then Galen was inside him, hot and hard and feeling better than anything had in so long.

  Oh. Oh fuck, yes. He nodded as they found a rhythm, something that was just them and them alone.

  Galen stared down at him, serious as a heart attack, eyes hot as those hips rocked steadily back and forth. Len had that laser focus, right on him, like he hadn’t in a month of Sundays. It was what he’d been aching for, missing, and he’d almost forgotten. Forgotten what it was like to be trapped in those eyes.

  “Shane….” He thought maybe Len was feeling it too, the way his voice cracked. Sweat dripped off Len’s chest, landing on his skin as they rocked harder and harder.

  Shane nodded, gasped, heart pounding furiously. Yes. Yes, just like that. Just like.

  Galen stretched him so wide, pressing down until his thighs screamed, reaching between them to touch his cock, fingers rough against the tip. “Love.”

  “Fuck, yes. Yours. Yours, Galen.” Words poured out of him, all the bullshit he’d been trying to say about loving and needing and wanting and hurting pushing right into the air between them.

  “Mine. Shane. God.” He could see the way that upper lip curled, the way the grimace wrinkled up Galen’s face, and he knew Len was close. So close. That thick cock swelled in him, egging him on. His hole burned and his entire body rippled, hips jerking up as he shot, spraying between them. The headboard groaned, his arm muscles burning, clenched so tight.

  “Oh. Oh fuck, yeah.” That was it. Galen shot deep inside, bucking and shaking.

  Everything got still, both of them panting and sweating and fucking staring at each other like they hadn’t seen each other in months.

  Then Galen bent and kissed his mouth, the kiss feeling like something soft, something that ached a little.

  The breath that pressed into his mouth kinda loosened his fingers from the headboard, let him reach down and grab hold of Galen.

  “Mmm.” The low growl worked right down into his bones. “Love you, darlin’.”

  “Yeah. Yeah, Len.” More than just anything.

  Galen rubbed noses with him. “We need that vacation.”

  “Yeah. Real bad.” He kissed Galen’s chin, sighing.

  “As soon as you can clear your schedule. Okay?”

  “I’ll call the big boss in the morning and tell him it’s serious.”

  “You bet.” They rested foreheads together. “I mean it.”

  “You gonna deal with the plans and shit?”

  “I am. I’ve gotten good at that crap.” Galen grinned, the chuckle rueful.

  “Yeah.” He grinned back, tongue touching the corner of Galen’s mouth.

  Galen licked back, tongue meeting his, lips opening for him.

  “Mmm….” He sorta purred, beginning to rock, loving the way their skin slid together.

  “Mmm-hmm. Oh, darlin’.” Galen rocked back, hot and damp against him.

  “Yeah. Feels good.” One kiss slid into another and another as his nipples went tight, thighs rubbing against Galen’s hips.

  “So pretty. God, Shane. How could I forget that?” Galen knelt up, shifting inside him, hands sliding along his torso. His nipple rings got special attention, Len twisting them.

  “Oh. Oh, Len.” He stretched, fingers petting Galen’s hands. “Make me ache.”

  “Good.” Starting up a rhythm again, Galen moved in him, on him, touching him all over. God, his Len was hot when he got that squinty-eyed look. Just pure sex. Shane let himself watch that belly rippling, hair tight and dark. Those hot fucking eyes watching him. That mouth….

  That mouth.

  “Kiss me.”

  “Yeah.” So strong. Muscles flexing, Galen put one arm under his back and lifted him, pulled him up for a kiss that curled his toes. And changed the angle of Galen inside him pretty damned fast. The sound he made would be embarrassing if it hadn’t felt so damned good. He held on, gripping Galen’s strong shoulders, hips bucking so Galen’s cock pegged his gland over and over.

  “Fuck! Shane.” The kiss grew teeth, Galen giving it up good, pushing into his mouth. The kiss fucked his mouth like Len took his ass, over and over. Fuck. Fuck. Everything in him clenched, focused only on moving between mouth and cock. Len grunted, shifting him just a little… there. Right there. Now they could both move, both thrust. And every move rubbed him raw.

  “Yeah.” Fuck, they smelled hot. Pure sex.

  Good, so good. They weren’t gonna last maybe a half a minute more, not the way they were going. When Len ground against his sweet spot that one last time, Shane lost it, falling like a ton of bricks, coating Galen’s belly with come. Galen roared for him, that whiskey-burned voice all growl, and shot inside him, filling him right up.

  “Better?” Galen asked while they rested, forehead against his.

  “No. But I’m willing to think on it.” He grinned. “You might have to go to the grocery.”

  Galen laughed, the motion shaking them all over. “I can do that, darlin’. Hell, it’s the least I can do.”

  Hell, yes. That was the very least the silly man could do for standing him up.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  CONTRARY TO popular belief, Shane knew his way around a hammer.

  Well, okay. There were only two ends, and it wasn’t brain surgery, but…. He chuckled at himself as he pulled another roofing nail out and set a shingle. He could patch the roof while Galen was out and about doing… whatever fucking weirdness Galen did that was for the football.

  The late-September sun was beating down, baking his bones, and the music coming up from the porch was good and….

  “Goob! Goob, you better not have eaten the cord again. You’re going to fry your nose off and short something out, and Galen’ll bitch!”

  “Goober is sunning by the hot tub. Like you should be.” Galen’s voice floated up to him.

  “Oh!” He slid down a little, leaned over, and blinked down. Mmm. Black hat. He approved. “I am fixing the roof. See me be useful?”

  “I see that. Now get your ass down here where I can see it. Maybe touch it.” Galen sounded pretty darned happy. The… thing, whatever, must have gone well.

  He hooted, crab walked over to the ladder, and shimmied down to land damn near in Galen’s arms. “Careful, man, I’m dusty.”

  Dusty and sweaty and wearing an old Western shirt he’d torn the arms off of and a pair of jeans so old they could probably register to vote.

  “Well, hello there, darlin’.” Galen gave him a kiss, fuzzy little beard scraping his cheeks.

  “Mmm… hey.” He reached out, fingers hooking in Galen’s belt loops, tugging those tight hips closer.

  “Mmm. You smell like sun and Shane. I like it.” Oh, he liked Galen liking it, if it was gonna get his neck bitten like that. He lifted his chin, throat working as he got another bite and another. Damn. Those teeth. Licking at the bites, Galen rubbed his big hands up and down Shane’s bare arms, making him shiver. “So, darlin’, what else can you be handy at today?”

  “I’m all about hands.” Mouths. Cocks. Galen’s cock. Uhn.

  “Uh-huh. I like your hand, darlin’.” Galen grinned against his mouth, kissed him so hard he heard bells or something, his ears ringing.

  Man, wrapping around Galen and rubbing was the only thing to do, so he got to it, pushing in close and humping one muscled thigh. That heavier beard drove him crazy, the texture different than the usual stubble, the feel soft and electric. Galen grabbed Shane’s ass and lifted, pulled, gave them friction.

  The sun made his spine all loose and melty, the need made his muscles tight. It was… too fucking cool.

  Galen kissed all down his neck, making goose bumps shiver up, then bent and bit right into his upper arm where the shirt cut off, leaving a big old mark.

  “Shit!” Electricity shot straight down his arm, the bicep going tight as a boar’s backside. “Galen!”r />
  “Mmm-hmm. Taste good, Shane. Good.” Moving down maybe a half inch, Galen pressed his lips to Shane’s skin and sucked. Hard. So hard he could feel the bruise start to rise under Galen’s tongue.

  His eyes rolled, chest and belly and thighs like rocks. “Don’t stop.”

  “Not gonna. Promise.” Oh no, Galen wasn’t stopping. He was lifting Shane’s arm, going right for the tender skin on the inside of his elbow.

  There was that second where time just stopped still, where his heart stopped beating as he waited for Galen to hit that hot spot, for those teeth to sink in.

  Then the sting traveled all the way up his arm to explode in his brain as Galen bit hard, the rough texture of Galen’s teeth almost more than he could stand on his thin skin.

  Shane sorta… babbled, brain shorting out as his cock throbbed, hurting it was so fucking hard.

  Galen knew it. He always knew, darn his hide. That mouth kept moving, lips closing over the pulse point in his wrist as Galen shifted him so his cock rubbed against one firm hip, his feet almost dangling.

  He shot—he didn’t have a choice, didn’t have a chance in hell. He just gave it up and creamed his jeans like a virgin at a peep show.

  “Oh fuck, darlin’. I can smell you.” Galen hauled his ass over to their lounge chair, sat down, and pulled him down to straddle Galen’s long thighs before going to work on Shane’s other arm. From the top down.

  “Galen. Fuck. Your mouth….” His head tossed, the fucking world spinning.

  “Mmm. You wanna fuck my mouth later, I’ll let you. Right now I want….” Those lips moved down his arm, leaving stinging kisses. God.

  “Anything.” His fingers wrapped around the edge of the lounge chair, heart pounding like a jackhammer on a sidewalk.

  “Good.” That satisfied growl worked all the way down to his toes, all shivery. He had no idea the outside of his forearm was so sensitive, but the little hairs stood up as Galen bit him hard.

  “Oh. Oh Christ.” His eyes rolled back in his head like dice, tongue caught between his teeth.

  “No. Not Christ.” Chuckling, Galen moved back up, pulling his arm out, bubbling up almost to his underarm to leave a lurid mark there too.

  He rolled his eyes. Asshole. And he fell for it every time and…. Oh.

  God, yeah.


  Galen eased him down on the lounge, flat on his back with his legs still draped over Galen’s thighs. Then Galen bent, spreading his legs back as that mouth found his wrist, teeth scraping.

  The chair creaked and his fingers curled, his cock filling again. Hell, maybe it hadn’t ever gone down.

  “Mmm. Let’s get these open, huh?” His button and zipper gave way under Galen’s hands, his wet cock pushing out as Galen touched him, thumb pressing his slit. “Oh yeah, darlin’. Pretty.”

  “Yours. You make me fucking crazy.” He grinned through his moan, trying to focus on those fine fucking eyes.

  “Mine,” Galen agreed, pulling his hand down and putting it around his own cock, then bending to bite the top of that arm, making his hand squeeze. Damn, that was a hell of a sensation.

  “Yes. Don’t stop?” He was going to fix that fucking roof all the damned time.

  “Not gonna.” No, Galen wasn’t stopping, was moving his hand on his cock with every fucking slip and slide of that mouth. He was gonna be sore as hell, with all those bruises.

  “You’re not. What about. I. Uh.” Damn, he was befuddled.

  “Not what, Shane?” A soft chuckle drifted over the spot on his elbow that throbbed, made his clenched fingers twitch.

  “Huh?” Oh, man. That was. Uh-huh.

  “Nothin’.” Licking, Galen moved over to the other arm again, hand closing over his to make him stroke, make him pull. God, the man made him crazy, he truly did. Galen started pushing up against his ass too, pulling him up and over a little more so Galen’s cock could poke his ass through their jeans.

  He stopped even trying to think, just followed Galen’s touch, let the heat inside him ratchet higher and higher.

  “God, Shane. Want you. You just… fuck.” Okay, good, Len wasn’t thinking either. That made him feel better. They rocked together, their hands moving on him, his ass moving on Galen, that mouth sending him flying higher and higher.

  “Yours. Yours….” He jerked as he shot again, heat flushing through him in a wave.

  Galen growled low, the sound almost a cry, and jerked under him, hips rocking. Shane could smell him too. Hot and male, pure Len.

  “Uhn….” He nuzzled in, rubbing his lips against Galen’s jaw. “Like the beard.”

  “Yeah? I got lazy.” Galen laughed, kissing him hard. “I like you in my old shirt. Whatever possessed you to pull the sleeves off, I approve.”

  Well, no wonder. It was Len’s shirt. He’d thought it was a bit big around the chest.

  “One was ripped.” He thought. Maybe it hadn’t been. He didn’t remember. “I’ll wear it again.”

  “You will. Soon.” Galen chuckled. “We need to bathe. Or maybe soak. Or even hose off.”

  “Uh-huh.” Soaking sounded good.

  “Come on, darlin’.” They were all pretzeled, but Galen unbent them, got them up and moving.

  “You get your business done?” Man, his legs were like Jell-O.

  “Uh-huh. Done for at least a day. Wanna play with you instead. I like that part of being done with work.” Galen supported his weight, sorta dragging him in.

  He grinned down at his arms. Man, he looked like a leper. Toothy bastard. Hot, toothy bastard.

  “Looks good, darlin’, you wearing my marks. Never thought about how pretty your arms were from all that bartending before.” One hand slid up his arm, fingers pressing marks.

  “Hey, eighty hours a week lifting bottles.” He flexed, part to show off and part because of how it felt.

  “Mmm-hmm. You’re a stud.” Bathroom, bathtub, water. Good stuff.

  “Yeah, yeah. Not only that? I’m damned handy.” He winked over, both of them chuckling.

  “As long as it’s the roof and not the bathroom sink, right?” Galen rubbed his ass, almost companionably.

  “Don’t make me beat you, Len.” He turned his face up for a kiss. That bad smell was a long, long time ago.

  Len gave him his kiss and then some, just pushing into his mouth with that hot tongue, fucking his lips. Damn. He never got tired of that, ever.

  He cupped Galen’s jaw, arms stinging wherever the little marks were.

  “Mmm. Oh, darlin’. What you do to me.” Yeah. Galen did it for him too. It worked well.

  Sorta like it was supposed to be.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  SHANE WAS bebopping around, humming, flitting from thing to thing. He’d fed Goober enough bacon to give the poor little guy the stinkiest farts known to man. He’d started working on an alligator pool to save his own inflatable one, just in case Victor came back. He’d even cleaned the tub, ass swinging as he scrubbed.

  Galen figured Shane needed something to focus on. So he got up, all casual like, and started herding.

  Shane was in the kitchen. Galen wandered out and got between him and the sink, which was about to get a dose of scrubbing bubbles.

  “Hey, darlin’.”

  He got a grin, Shane bouncing on his toes. “Hey. How’s it hanging?”

  “It’s kinda starting to stand up.” Galen grinned, groped Shane’s crotch. “You need to catch up.”

  Shane went up on his tiptoes a second, wiggling some. “Mmm. What’s got you all riled up?”

  “You. You’ve been giving attention everywhere but here, darlin’. Time for me to take a little of that giving.” He grinned, waiting for that look. That one, with the heavy eyes and pink cheeks.

  Oh, there it was. That flush crawled right up Shane’s abs, hitting those cheeks as Shane’s teeth sank into that bottom lip. “I wouldn’t want you feeling neglected, Len….”

  “No.” Circling, he started backing Shane out of the kitc
hen and down the hall.

  Shane went, eyes on his, cock starting to fill, hips swaying a bit. “I’ve been getting shit done.”

  “I know, but it’s time for intermission, darlin’. Something fun. You know what they say about all work and no play….” He stripped his shirt up over his head and tossed it into the guest bedroom as he went by.

  “Uh-huh. Something about dull boys, I think.” Shane reached for him, fingers brushing his belly, following the line of dark hair down to his waistband.

  “Exactly.” He grinned, flexing his muscles, really putting on a show. “And we wouldn’t want that. You deserve a reward, Shane.”

  “Yeah?” Oh, Shane was caught, licking his lips, little rings shifting as those pretty nipples went tight.

  “Mmm-hmm.” Ah, the bedroom. Galen sauntered to the bed, unbuckling his belt, unzipping his jeans. He turned, showing off his ass as he bent to push them off.

  Those hands landed on his ass, squeezing and rubbing. “Pretty, pretty.” Shane’s kiss brushed his shoulder, teeth teasing his skin, making him jump a little.

  God, that man made him insane. Galen straightened, kicking out of his jeans, then grabbed Shane and tossed him up on the bed to start stripping off Shane’s tight cutoffs. “Got plans for you, darlin’.”

  “Mmm…. What plans?” Shane arched up, tight denim rolling right off that tight little ass.

  Once they were both naked, he got the little box he needed out of the nightstand and crawled up on top of Shane, holding him down with his weight. “Gonna tie you up. Love you all afternoon.”


  Oh fuck, yes. He loved the way Shane rippled, rubbing up against him. Loved the way those eyes rolled. Loved how he turned Shane on. “You think so, huh?”

  “I do.” He got the box open, rubbing his cock against Shane’s, his eyes trying to roll right back. The cuffs felt warm and soft. “Remember these?”

  “Vaguely. Think I saw them once or twice.” He snorted. Once or twice. Right. Once in the front room, bent over the sofa, while Galen worked that sweet ass with a dildo. A half dozen times on the front porch.