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Living in Fast Forward Page 9
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Page 9
“Oh….” Jeremy floated closer, all that smooth, tanned skin right there.
“Hey.” Grinning, Hollis bent and took a kiss, his palms sliding flat down Jeremy’s back, curving under that hard-muscled ass.
“Hey.” Jeremy’s hands slid up along his arms, tongue tracing his lips, the edge of his teeth. He took the kiss deeper, loving on Jeremy, tasting toothpaste and heat. The man cleaned up real good. Tasted good. Those long legs wrapped around his waist, bringing them belly to belly, that fine ass in his lap.
“Now, this is the way to hot tub, baby. I could get spoiled.” The bus couldn’t hold a hot tub, could it? Hollis wondered what they could take out….
“Mmm. There’s something about water and bubbles that is good for the soul.” Jeremy’s lips started exploring his jaw, tongue teasing the stubble.
“Like yoga?” he teased, chasing that mouth for another kiss. Hoo yeah. Deep, hard, that one made his lips tingle and sting.
“Yeah….” Jeremy groaned, wiggling on his lap a little. “I can put my leg behind my head. That’s got to be useful.”
“Or you could put them behind my head. That would be way more entertaining.” And more useful, when it came to getting busy.
One wet leg landed on his shoulder, and then Jeremy got the other one up there, the little fucker bent near in half.
His eyes went wide, his jaw dropping, even as he moved to support Jeremy’s weight. “Jesus fucking Christ, you are the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”
Jeremy’s cheeks went pink, and that cock throbbed, rubbing away against his belly. “There are plusses to this yoga thing.”
“You know it, baby. Just feel. Look at you.” His hands moved, pulling Jeremy closer, stretching those thigh muscles to the limit.
Jeremy groaned, belly rippling, eyes going all heavy-lidded. “Fuck, that’s hot.”
“Uh-huh. God, yeah.” They rubbed, his cock sliding right under Jeremy’s ass, his own thighs like tempered fucking steel. The water helped buoy Jeremy and slicked that skin enough to let him hump up, drive himself against Jeremy.
Perfect. It was a perfect fit, just… damn. The head of his cock caught on Jeremy’s balls, making them both jerk and shudder. Jeremy leaned back a little, settling his prick right along the sweet crack, Jeremy’s glutes squeezing him good and tight.
“Fuck, baby. That feels too good to last. Better watch it.” Hollis grinned, running his lips along Jeremy’s jaw.
“I can’t bend that far, man.” Jeremy squeezed again, easier this time, drawing it out.
“Oh, I bet we can bend you that way.” It would sure as hell be fun trying, and it was what his cock wanted to do, no doubt.
“You think?” Jeremy grinned at him. “I’m loose as I’ll ever be.”
“Uh-huh. As limber. I think the bubbles help.” Hollis rubbed and rubbed, wanting but not pushing.
“I’m a fan of bubbles.” Jeremy leaned, stretching out for him. “Fuck me.”
“Thought you’d never fucking ask.” Hoo yeah. He lifted Jeremy just enough, pushing and pulling until his cock lined right up where Hollis needed it to be. Then he slid home, groaning at how hot Jeremy was inside.
“Oh….” Jeremy tossed his head, lips all parted and swollen.
“God, baby. You’re…. Fuck, you feel good.” The water did half the work for them, easing them up and down, moving them together.
“Yeah. Yeah, it’s just fine.” Shit, it was like something out of a high-dollar porno, watching Jeremy shift and slide in water.
“Now, just move your legs here….” Hell, he was directing his own porno. Starring the personal trainer.
Goddamn, but Jeremy could move. Look at those muscles….
Hollis got one hand just right on Jeremy’s back, holding him so the other hand could play. Thighs, ass, squeezing between to pet that ridged belly.
“Fuck, you’re in deep.” Jeremy groaned, fingers digging into his shoulders.
“Uh-huh. Love how tight you are, baby. Love how deep.” If he could just shift the angle…. There. Right there.
“Hollis!” Shit, Jeremy went tight as a fist around him, squeezing so hard he lost his breath. Lost his seat too, slipping on the wet tile and almost shooting them out into free fall. Hollis caught them, though, and the jostling had him hitting that same spot, over and over.
Every time he hit it, Jeremy groaned, offered him a little “oh,” and that fine fucking ass rippled around his prick. Hollis caught Jeremy with a kiss, hot and wet, his tongue pushing in as hard as his prick pushed into that sweet ass.
Heat splashed up over his belly, adding to the water, Jeremy just groaning into his lips. The way Jeremy clamped down on him, he couldn’t hold it anymore, couldn’t stand it. He came, just like that, Jeremy’s legs still locked over his shoulders, his arms holding them together as he shot hard enough to see stars.
They stayed there a minute, and then they relaxed, panting and sinking into the bubbles.
“Wow.” Jeremy’s eyes rolled back, those long legs floating.
“Uh-huh. I… you. Woo.” Yeah, that was coherent. He was just melted. Boneless. Goddamn.
“Uh-huh.” Jeremy chuckled as he grabbed the glass of champagne, offered it over. “Ooh. More bubbles.”
“Floaty.” Goddamn, sometimes he loved his life. “That was just the ticket, baby. You’re better than a full spa treatment.”
“Mmm. It’s easy, with you.” Jeremy kissed him, lips all hot and soft and champagney.
“Yeah?” That was fucking nice to hear. Really nice. Because he’d been worried about Jeremy backing off, trying to run.
“Mmm-hmm.” Jeremy met his eyes, the look just warm as all get-out. “You’re something else, man.”
“So are you. How do you like this hotel thing instead of the bus?” He let his lips wander, kissing and licking Jeremy’s lips.
“It’s got its pros and cons. The bus is cool because there’s no worries, but it’s nice to have room to move around.” Jeremy’s hands found his neck, started working the last bits of tension from him. “You miss being home?”
“Sometimes. But it’s been so long that I’m used to it, I guess.” He thought on that a minute. “Unless you mean the bus….”
“I mean wherever home is for you.” Man, Jeremy found a sensitive spot and worked it.
His head rolled on his neck, his eyes closing in bliss. “I don’t have much of a place to call that anymore. It would be nice to settle, sometimes.”
“Yeah, I have a storage building right now.” Jeremy chuckled, kissed him again. “I’m working on my gypsy feet.”
“So you get it, huh?” Yeah. He knew Jeremy was kinda footloose and fancy-free. It was in the reports and all. He might leave that shit to his management, but he’d read through it once Jeremy and him started… well. Was that an invasion of privacy?
“Yep. I love my job, so I have to go where the people who need a trainer are.”
“You’re good at it. God knows I didn’t think I was trainable.” Oh, he had his small rebellions, but hey, he was working it.
“You fucking look amazing, man.” Jeremy pulled away, eyes dragging down his body. “You just needed focus.”
Hollis flexed a little, trying not to laugh at himself because that would ruin the mood. “You like, huh?”
“You know it.” Jeremy’s hands slid down his sides, hard enough not to tickle. “Even if you are fuzzy.”
“You’re fixated on my body hair. It’s part of my charm, baby. The fans like it.” The thought of waxing and shaving was frankly terrifying too.
“It is. I just like teasing.” Jeremy floated back against him, all heavy-lidded and loose-limbed.
“You’re weird, baby.” They couldn’t fall asleep in the tub. He’d heard bad things about that. Something about… who knew what? Jeremy should know. “We should move, huh?”
“Yeah. I’ll get in trouble, you boil like a shrimp in here….”
“You know it. Think of what Ann Marie would say.” She
’d screech like a harpy. Lifting Jeremy, Hollis stood, water streaming off them. “We have towels, bathrobes, and a minibar. We won’t be bored.”
“If you get bored, I’ll sit on your ass and you can do push-ups.”
“Oh, the hell you will.” Laughing, he hauled Jeremy’s ass down the short hall to the bedroom of his suite, the big bed beckoning to them.
“Yep, I’ll just sit pretty with my legs crossed, watching you pump it up and down.”
“I might do that if you were under me.” They flopped, sprawling out, and Hollis sighed happily. He did love plush pillow-tops.
“Oh, now that’s a fine idea. Later.” Jeremy got one leg over the top of his, their thighs sliding together. He did like the way Jeremy snuggled.
“Later.” Hollis curled right in, glad as hell Jeremy wasn’t taking this morning to heart. He wasn’t willing to give this up.
Not one little bit.
Chapter Fifteen
JEREMY TURNED the music up a little louder, hiding his grin as Hollis growled. The son of a bitch had gone out late with a bunch of executives and come crawling back to the bus shit-faced.
Not that he was pissed.
No, Jeremy didn’t have any fucking reason to be pissed.
On the other hand, exercise worked all that fucking booze right out of a man.
“Come on, old man. You’re slowing down.”
“You little fuck. I wasn’t meaning to, you know.” Hollis was sweating whiskey. He could smell it. Lord, and sweating like a lathered horse.
“I’m not that little. Watch your arms.”
“Fuck you.” God, there hadn’t been this much snarling since the first week. “The bigwigs expect me to have a drink with them. I blame you, actually.”
“Me? I didn’t do anything to you.” He added another ten pounds when Hollis stopped to change hand position.
“Yes, you did.” Grunting, Hollis strained, muscles shaking. “I haven’t got the tolerance I used to.”
“Oh, poor rock singer lost his belly roll.” He poked Hollis’s stomach. “Slow down, now. Take it easy.”
The weights wavered, started to come right down toward Hollis’s chest. “Shit!”
He caught them, the weight rattling him a little as the bars caught his upper arms and slid down.
Panting, chest heaving, Hollis rolled off the weight bench and scrambled for the little bathroom on the bus. The door closed just before Jeremy heard the sound of barfing.
“Shit.” He got the weights up on the rack, then headed to grab a bottle of water.
He hit the bathroom at a trot, water in hand. “Breathe, beautiful. Just breathe.”
“Sorry.” Watery gold-colored eyes met his, Hollis looking grumpy but rueful. “Jesus, I’m turning into a whiny bitch, huh?”
“Have some water and we’ll do some stretches, get your blood working.” Yeah, a little whiny, but still fine as hell.
“Sorry, man. Live and learn, huh?” The water went down fast, that throat working. “Let me brush my teeth, and I’ll let you bend me.”
He nodded, patted Hollis on the shoulder, and headed out to pull out the soft mats, turn the music to something less pounding and less fucking loud.
There. Better.
Hollis came back out, and Jeremy had to give the man credit for trying. When they’d first started, the bitching would have gone on and on. Now Hollis was right there, green as anything but ready to go.
“Okay, first. B vitamins, aspirin, and some tea, yeah? Have a seat on the mat.”
Shit, he hated that sick, sour look.
“Yeah. Okay.” Rolling those wide shoulders, Hollis sat, taking the vitamins without bitching, which meant the man felt like poo, for sure.
“Okay. We’re going to breathe, huh? Breathe and stretch and you’re going to pretend you don’t think it’s stupid New-Agey shit and play along. Deal?”
“Sure, baby. Works for me.” Hollis gave him a weak smile, one hand curling around his calf to stroke a little.
“Good man.” He settled behind Hollis, hands sliding over those strong shoulders, pulling his lover back.
“Mmm. Oh, this is much better.” Hollis leaned a little, solid and heavy against him, just feeling good right there.
“Mmm-hmm.” He got hold of Hollis’s wrists, moving that broad, fine body in long, slow motions. It felt sort of like sex, but not. Maybe like slow dancing or something.
Relaxing into the stretches, Hollis moaned, the sound one long rumble. “Better, baby. Much better.”
“Yeah….” Jeremy smiled against Hollis’s nape, just humming with the music, both of them moving, stretching it out.
“Ow.” Something caught right there, probably the hitch that had caused Hollis to falter with the weights. Stiffness. He focused, working the muscles nice and steady, forcing the fibers to release all the lactic acid, contract, relax.
“God, I love your hands.” That was almost like Hollis’s stage voice, but different. Like it was just for him. Growly and deep and sweet as warm syrup.
It made him moan a little, had his belly going tight. “I could spend fucking forever doing this.”
Even if forever in rock-and-roll language meant another four months, two weeks, and four days.
“Oh, I don’t know. I think I’d want to move on to more than stretching eventually.” Those heavy hands closed over his, drawing them around to rest on Hollis’s belly. “You know, something more deliberate.”
“More deliberate? Stretching’s pretty damned deliberate….” He traced the edge of Hollis’s hairline with his tongue, fingers making lazy circles on that amazing belly.
“I mean the intent, baby.” Hollis laughed, belly shaking under his hands.
Oh man. He could go a whole day on that sound. “Oh, I’m following you now.”
His hands headed south, separating to slide on either side of Hollis’s cock, rubbing the place where thigh muscle met groin.
“Uhn. Oh, God, baby. That feels good.” Yeah, he could tell that by the way Hollis arched up, muscles sliding under skin. That counted as a stretch, right?
“Yeah. Love how you smell, right there. How you taste.” In fact, there was a bruise, right there. He could just feel it—a little hot, a little swollen.
Those hips rolled, Hollis pushing into his touch. “Jesus, baby. That. Right there.”
“Mmm-hmm.” Right there was where his teeth had been last night, working at the bit of skin while he fingerfucked Hollis so slow he thought they’d both die from waiting.
It figured Hollis couldn’t stay passive forever. Nope, he had to get busy, pushing Jeremy’s hands down into the loose sweats, cupping them around Hollis’s growing cock. Of course, it was easy to touch, wasn’t it? Fingers sliding up and down the thin, silk-soft skin, feeling the blood pulse, filling that shaft up. And Hollis just pushed and pulled and got him stroking, making these happy little noises the whole time. The hangover sure seemed to be fading.
He got one hand pushed down to cup Hollis’s balls, tugging a little, rolling them in his fingers as his other thumb worked that sensitive bit right below the head of Hollis’s cock.
“Jeremy….” Reaching back, Hollis found his thighs, stroking them, fingers petting his skin so good. “Yeah, just like that.”
His teeth grabbed on to Hollis’s earlobe, sinking in as his thumb slipped, pushing right against that wet, slick slit.
“Fuck!” That body went from slow, lazy rolls to hard, short bursts, Hollis humping into his hand like nothin’ going. “Baby… gonna.”
“Yeah. Yeah, come on.” He went to bite down again but stopped himself. No marks. Fuck.
“Uh-huh.” Jerking, bucking, Hollis came for him, like it was on demand. Hot, wet, Hollis coated his hand, collapsing back against him when it was over.
He smoothed the come into Hollis’s skin, touch soft and easy now, just meant to make the man feel good.
“Mmm. You’re good to me, baby. You truly are.” Hollis was petting him too,
sweet and good, lazy.
“Yeah, yeah.” He eased Hollis down, stretched the big man out. “Rest a second, and then I’ll make something good to eat.”
“You okay, baby?” One hand stroked down his leg, questioning, looking to treat him right.
He was hard, but it was a good, solid want, not an ache. “I’m good.” He snuggled right in, humming low. “Real good.”
“Cool. Getting used to having you around.” One long arm went around him, holding him right to Hollis’s side.
“I hear that, beautiful.” He nodded and sorta just petted Hollis’s belly, watching as the man slept.
He sure heard that.
Chapter Sixteen
“HONEY, I don’t have time to meet with Charlie.” Hollis was trying to avoid the manager talk, because he had a feeling it wasn’t gonna be good. Even if he was looking better and singing stronger than he had in at least three years.
“Too bad, babe. He’s here. You go on, now.” She waved him off the bus, pushing him right toward the little office building, probably some real estate cousin of Charlie’s who got roped into letting them use the space for a confab. Definitely bad if Charlie wouldn’t meet with him on the bus.
He saw Charlie’s ostrich-skin boots before he saw that round, florid face, those eyes behind the ugliest glasses known to man. “Good Lord, son. You look like a real boy. That kid I sent you is doing a good job.”
Hollis’s shoulders relaxed a little, and he flopped down in a creaky leather chair and crossed his own boots at the ankle. “He is. I fought him tooth and nail, you know.”
“Yeah, I figured. So really, you’re feeling good, because I got news….” Oh, fuckhead.
“What?” Glaring, Hollis crossed his arms over his chest, knowing it made him look more intimidating, and goddamn, he needed all his ammunition.
“That almost looks good, son. One day, when you’re old enough? It’ll be impressive. You’re going to play a new set of dates in California.”
His boots hit the floor flat as he sat up. “What? Shit. When?”
“Soon as you’re done in Boston. It’s a hell of a drive, and I’ll set you up a few meet and greets along the way, just to keep you busy.”