Tropical Depression Page 8
“Shane, honey? You in here? I need a partner at cards, son.”
He put the phone down, found a smile for Galen’s momma.
“There you are. You okay?”
“Fine, Momma. Let’s go play.”
She wrapped her arms around his waist and nodded. “It’s so good, having my boys home.”
Shane nodded, kissed the top of Momma’s head. Yeah. Yeah, it was good. Good to be with his family.
Chapter Ten
That wasn’t too damned unusual, though it was better now he’d gotten used to having Shane. Still, he’d tried to snuggle up to that fine, fine ass and go back to sleep, and it hadn’t worked. Neither had trying to wake Shane up. Shane was obviously out for the night. Galen tossed and turned for a good bit, but he finally gave it up and went on out to the living room to maybe have a beer and watch a movie. Try to forget that somehow they’d zoomed through Christmas and New Year’s like shit through a goose, and now Shane was looking at fucking tourist season again, and he needed to finalize the shit for training camp for the Lightning boys and….
He sat on the couch with a Blackened Voodoo and flipped channels, fucking amazed at how many infomercials there were on at 3:00 a.m.
“You ’kay, Len?” Shane stood in the doorway—naked and at half-mast, blinking hard, Goober running in circles around his feet.
He grinned over, loving how Shane looked when he was sleepy and warm and… damn, Goober looked desperate. Galen got up and let the silly dog out the back before coming back to find Shane still right there, still blinking. He put his arms around Shane’s waist.
“I’m fine. I was just trying to decide what we need more. The Boot Camp Training video or the cooker thing that makes empanadas and shit.”
“Boot Camp? Oh, blah. Empanadas are cool. Mmm… you’re warm….”
Hello, nothing like a cuddly Shane to make a man feel good. “So are you. I couldn’t sleep.” He nuzzled in, his beard scraping Shane’s cheek and neck. Damn. Yeah.
“Mmm….” Shane slid his hands around him, cock jumping a little. “I’ll make your dreams sweet.”
“Promise?” He kissed Shane’s throat, crowding close. Fuck, he hated not being able to sleep.
“Uh-huh. Couple of orgasms? Then snuggling. Then sleep. Guaranteed.”
“You do always come through for me, darlin’.” They should probably let Goober in, though. Just in case. “Let me let Goob in, and you can go to work.”
“Work? Uh-uh. Fucking isn’t work. It’s….” Shane grinned, shrugged. “You know.”
“I know, darlin’. There ain’t nothing in the world I’d rather do, long as it’s with you.” He popped Shane’s ass and went to let the mutt in, watching the silly thing bounce all over.
“Come on, Goob. Back to bed.” They had come to an agreement—after an unfortunate incident involving low-hanging balls and milk teeth—Goober had a spare bed in the guestroom.
Goob waddled right on in, and as soon as the door was closed on his big, sad eyes, Galen grabbed Shane and kissed him hard. Shane groaned, arms reaching up and holding on tight, cock snuggling right against him. So damned honest and responsive. Galen searched out all of Shane’s flavors, thinking how they really ought to move into the bedroom. But the hall would do in a pinch.
Shane snuggled close, rocking and rubbing, sliding against him, cock starting to leave little wet kisses. Galen had to touch that sweet cock, had to feel it, and he reached between them, his fingers grazing the head. He dipped his finger against the slit, then raised it to his lips, licking it off before kissing Shane again.
“Mmm.” Shane went up on tiptoe, nibbling on his lips, tasting him.
“Oh, darlin’.” He just groaned, grabbing Shane around the waist and hauling him into the bedroom. They needed to be horizontal. Now.
Shane came easy, maybe even doing a little pushing himself now. Encouraging him into the bedroom, onto the bed. They sorta tumbled together, their teeth clacking for a moment before they got it right again, mouths opening and tongues thrusting. Shane groaned, one leg wrapping around Galen’s, tugging them closer.
Yeah. Hell, yeah. He shifted, encouraging Shane down into the bed, hips rolling as he rubbed. Damn, he loved the way Shane felt, smooth and hot and good.
“Quick one now. Then slow. Then sleep. Fuck. Len.”
“Yeah, darlin’. Yeah.” He lined their cocks up, giving them friction. Shane’s hand landed on his ass, fingers digging in, squeezing. Galen rocked, feeling the heat rising, knowing it wouldn’t be long. Shane got to him like a brush fire, made him hotter than the hinges of hell.
“Fuck, love. Come on. Come on.” Shane’s heels drummed on the mattress, hips bucking.
That just… shit. That put Shane’s cock right along his, rubbed them right. His balls slapped against Shane and Galen groaned hard, shooting in short, sharp bursts.
“Sweet fuck, yes!” Shane arched, heat spreading over his belly, his hip.
“Mmm.” Damn, didn’t that make him purr like a big old cat. Galen nuzzled, waiting to catch his breath for round two.
Warm hands petted his back, fingers sliding easy. “That’s it. That’s right.”
Warm, cuddly, and concerned Shane. Galen grinned. Yeah. He liked that. “Sorry I woke you up, darlin’.” He wasn’t. Not really, but it was only polite to say it.
Shane chuckled. “I’m not. Not even a little.”
“Oh, good. ’Cause I’m not either. So, did you say something about slow and long?” Galen rolled off onto his back, hands behind his head.
“Mmm… long. I like long.” Shane chuckled, moving to straddle Galen’s hips, soft ball sac rubbing his prick.
“Yeah? So do I, darlin’. And I like how you look up there.” Fuck, that was pretty. Galen stroked Shane’s chest, going for that flat belly that fascinated him so much.
“Mm….” Shane’s body went tight, little gold rings bobbing as those nipples hardened. “Gonna ride you hard, Len.”
“Woo.” He grinned up, reached up and tugged one of those little rings. “I’m waiting, darlin’.”
Shane’s head went back, mouth opening on a deep, low cry. Oh, hell, yes.
That still fascinated, still shook him to the core, how Shane had done that, gotten those hot little nipples pierced through and how sensitive they were. Galen tugged the other one, twisting it just a bit, watching Shane’s reaction greedily.
“Len.” Shane bucked, cock throbbing against Galen’s for a second before Shane moved, ass teasing his prick.
“Shane.” One hand dropped to Shane’s hip, pulling him down. The other stayed on Shane’s chest, teasing those glinting rings. “Get the lube, darlin’.”
“Uh-huh.” Shane stretched and reached, gave him a view of that fine, fine body. “Shit, that’s… damn.”
“You know it. I want you so bad.” It never ended. Even when he had Shane all a hundred ways from Sunday, and five minutes ago too. He still wanted that hot body around him, on him.
Shane grabbed the lube, slicked his cock, hand moving sure and steady, moving him from mostly interested to hard enough to fuck. “Mmm…. That’s it.”
“God, darlin’.” He was just gonna explode. Galen stroked down to Shane’s hip, holding him steady. “Love the way you feel.”
“Want to ride you.” Strong thighs straddled his hips, Shane leaning to grab the headboard.
He lined up right and tight, the head of his cock flush against Shane’s hole. “You ready, Shane? Or you need some work first?”
“Always ready for you. Always.” Shane shoved back, arching as he bore down.
His cock slid right in, and damned if Shane wasn’t the hottest, sweetest thing he’d ever had. Ever. He’d known that for a bit now, but it still surprised him. He always fucked up long before now. Galen rolled his hips up, shoving in.
“Yeah….” That sound was something else, all deep and needy and sort of raw around the edges, Shane giving it all u
p for him.
He reached down, spread Shane even more, his fingers brushing that tight little hole stretched around him.
“Oh. Sweet fuck.” Shane’s eyes went wide, ass clenching his prick. “That’s. Damn.”
“Shane.” His cock throbbed, making his eyes roll. His stomach muscles clenched too, rippling as he pushed.
“Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Love. Fuck.” Shane bounced, riding him like he was the prize pony at the fair.
They went to town, not exactly slow and easy, but he’d last. He would. He’d make it good for Shane. The chain that he’d bought Shane to decorate those rings was swinging between Shane’s nipples, each motion tugging those dark little bits of flesh. That damn near killed him. Galen reached for it, tugging it, watching how it made those nipples harder and harder.
“Len. Oh.” Shane leaned down, groaning. “Harder. I need more.”
“Yeah. Yeah, Shane.” He moved harder and faster, his cock stabbing into Shane, his whole body going tight.
Shane jerked, went tight as a miser’s pocketbook, and shot for him, not even requiring a touch to that heavy cock. Galen shot deep, gritting his teeth on a cry. He wanted that so damned bad.
Shane slumped down against him, breath huffing out in a whoosh.
“Oh, love. Yeah, darlin’.” Oh fuck, that was like nothing else going. Nothing. Galen put his arms around Shane’s back and held on tight.
“Think you can sleep okay?” Shane’s lips were on his jaw.
“I think I’m gonna sleep like a baby.” He grinned, nuzzling in. There was nothing worse than not being able to sleep, but with Shane as a blanket? He was going to have a good night after all.
Chapter Eleven
JESUS FUCKING Christ on a pink sparkly pogo stick. Shane felt like he’d been rode hard and put away wet, and he wasn’t even put away yet.
He hadn’t been home in forever, and he was fixin’ to lose his ever-lovin’ mind—between deposits and ordering, cleaning and paperwork, and add that to the fact that every fucking bartender in this entire frigging town had the plague, he was done. Just pure-D done.
“Hey, man, what’s up?” One of the guys who had floated in on the tide came into the bar, all deep-tan and sun-streaked blond hair.
“I swear to God, you work harder than any human being on earth.” Mr. Blond-and-Whitened-Teeth plopped down on a barstool. “I thought you were the boss.”
“The manager, and all that means is I work when no one else will and I still have to do the paperwork.” Shane wiped down the bar. “What can I do you for?”
“You available?”
“Huh?” What? Everyone knew he was Len’s. Everyone. “Oh, honey. I’m taken. Like bone deep taken. I mean, I ain’t sure I remember what he looks like, but I know that if I ever get another four hours off in a row, I’ll sure do my best to figure it out.”
“That’s too bad. I’ll have a Bloody Mary, to start me off.”
“I’m on it.”
He’d just about plopped the celery into the glass when his cell phone rang. He actually winced. God, he knew it was going to be someone calling in. He knew it.
“You don’t have to answer that, you know….”
Shane shook his head, but he knew better. He’d answer and he’d work, because that was what he did. “I’m the manager.”
He grabbed the phone. “’Lo?”
“Hey, boss, it’s Jake….”
GALEN HUMMED as he cleaned, shaking it to some serious fiddle music. Goober looked at him like he was nuts, but the poor mutt really didn’t appreciate a good bouncy bluegrass song.
He was waiting for Shane to get home. They’d kept Shane working for the last eighteen days, thanks to so many bartenders calling in with the flu. He’d been needing, and after tonight, Shane was supposed to have three off, so he had plans for that ass. He just had to keep himself, and Goob, occupied until Shane came home.
Goob heard Shane before Galen did, howling and beating those heavy paws against the door, ears flapping. Damn, that dog lived to see Shane, adored him.
Galen could relate.
He let Goober out. The dog could reunite with his master out in the yard. There would be ball throwing and slobber. Then Shane was his.
He heard Shane’s voice, tired but happy, Goob’s bark getting a low laugh. “Where’s Len? You been good for him, sweet baby? Lord, it feels like I’ve worked forever. So glad to be home.”
“He was a doll. Come on, darlin’. I got a beer and some mac and cheese with your name on it.”
“Oooh. Mac and cheese! For real? Have I mentioned I love you?” He got one of those grins, pure happy and all his. “Got four days off in a row. Aaron’s pulling a swing and doing deposits.”
“Thank the good Lord.” Galen went over and took a kiss, smelling smoke and whiskey and Shane’s sweat.
Shane pressed close, hands sliding around his waist and holding on.
“Mmm. Hey, darlin’.” God, he loved the feel of Shane against him, loved the taste of Shane on his lips. He held Shane close, rubbing and swaying.
“Hey.” Shane leaned in, looking at him, smiling. “Good to be home.”
“Good to have you home, Shane.” Kissing Shane’s throat, Galen moved them to the kitchen table. “Why don’t you eat, and we’ll take a shower.”
Shane nodded, digging right in. The man was easy to please—Galen still couldn’t quite fathom that Shane hadn’t ever seen mac and cheese that wasn’t Day-Glo and from a box before he’d made some for them. His momma had been appalled when he’d said that, sending him all sorts of recipes. Hell, he was getting downright domesticated. “So, you have a good night?”
“Not bad. Long. Wanted to be here.” Shane ate hearty. “Been a long few days, you know?”
“Yeah, darlin’. I thought if I came in, it would just make it worse.” For him and for Shane, if they had to stare at each other over the bar, damn it.
“Yeah. I can see that. Still.” Those eyes met his, all of the sudden hot and needy. “I’m home now.”
“You are. I got plans, Shane.” He did. Oh, Lord, he so did.
“Yeah?” Shane licked his lips, put the fork down. “I’m done eating, Len.”
“Yeah.” He got up, held out a hand. “Come on, darlin’. Let’s get that shower. Then we’ll have some fun.”
They could have fun in the shower too, for sure.
Those warm fingers curled right into his, Shane pulling him close with a sharp tug then kissing him good and hard, making sure he felt it. Then Shane bounced off and hurried down the hall, clothes flying. “Come on, then.”
Chuckling, he followed fast, slipping his own clothes off so he was nude when he reached the bathroom. Shane already had the water going, steam rising out of their shower. Galen stepped in with Shane, reaching for that hot, wet skin.
Shane grabbed the soap, started sliding it along Galen’s ass, his back.
“Mmm. I’m supposed to be taking care of you.” He moved even closer, cupped Shane’s ass in his hands.
“Mmm-hmm.” The hard bar of soap felt good, Shane rubbing it against him and working his muscles.
Shit, that felt fine. Gave him all sorts of ideas, but that was what the big dildo by the bed was for. He kissed Shane hard, tongue sliding between Shane’s lips. He got a low moan, those lips parting for him like the Red Sea for Moses, just letting him right on in, Shane hard and hot against his hip.
Hell, yeah. Galen lifted Shane up on his toes, kissing that mouth for all he was worth, rubbing against Shane’s belly. He heard the thunk of the soap hitting the tub, Shane’s fingers holding him tight, tugging him close. They rocked together, so hot for each other. Never ceased to amaze him how hot they got. Like flash fire. Galen bent, lips sliding down Shane’s chin and down his throat, sucking up a mark.
Shane’s chin lifted, giving him more skin to mark, to bite. That skin called to him. It was a fucking addiction. Galen left a bruise on Shane’s neck and a bite m
ark on one collarbone.
“Oh. Shit. ’S good, Len.” Shane was moaning, rocking into him.
“Mmm-hmm.” Oh, there. The ball of Shane’s shoulder needed teeth marks. He bit, licked, and sucked until he had the perfect purple. “Soapy.”
“Happens in the shower.” He got a wicked grin, Shane’s eyes laughing and heated.
“Yeah, yeah.” Just for that he pinched Shane’s ass. “You’re cruising, darlin’.”
“Promises, promises.” Shane pushed a little, wiggled.
“Oh, you better believe it.” Galen rinsed them off, rubbing all on Shane as he leaned to turn the water off. “Come on, darlin’. Need you.”
Shane nodded, following, pinching and teasing and playing all the way. They got to the bedroom, and he swept Shane off his feet, tackling him on the bed, driving the breath out of him.
“Oh. Hey.” Shane panted, stretched out all pretty underneath him.
“Hey. You ready to play, darlin’?” He held Shane down, reaching to the side table for the black leather straps. “I am.”
“Oh, hell, yes. Been too fucking long. Too long.” Yeah, it had been. Longer and longer between each time.
“Yeah, darlin’. Yeah.” Fuck, Shane felt good under him, but he knew he could make them feel even better. Galen sat up, straddling Shane’s waist, grabbed one of Shane’s hands, and wrapped the strap around it. He lifted, slowly stretching Shane out, then tied that wrist to the bedpost.
Shane watched, tongue licking those sweet, swollen lips. “Oh.”
Yeah, oh. Fuck, that made him hard. He paused to flick one of Shane’s little nipple rings, watching it bounce for him.
That dark red skin went tight as a stone, just wrinkling around that shiny metal.
“Fucking love that, Shane.” And didn’t he have to taste, then? Yeah. Galen bent, licking and tugging the ring with his teeth.
“Uhn….” Shane bucked up, free hand sliding through his hair, holding his head.
That wasn’t gonna do. Grabbing that hand, Galen sat up and pulled another strap around it to fasten it down too. God, Shane looked amazing in black leather, all splayed out and ready for him. He touched the wet nipple, the quivering belly. “Gonna make you fly.”