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Tropical Depression Page 5

  “No….” Shane cuddled even harder, petting those long ears. “Poor puppy!”

  “All the other ones were girls, and they got adopted. But Doctor Jameson was gonna have to put this little boy to sleep. I couldn’t abide that, but I surely can’t feed another dog.” Momma pushed past them, taking the cooler to the kitchen, leaving them with the… basset? Maybe.

  “To sleep? But he’s perfect….” Shane stood, headed right to him. “You want to hold him, Len?”

  “No.” Galen grinned. “He’s for you, I bet. Momma knows I like bigger dogs.” He backed off a step, knowing the pup ought to bond with Shane. “He’s cute as hell, though.”

  “He is….” Shane loved on the pup, talking at it, the little fat tail wagging ninety to nothing.

  Momma came back out, put an arm around Galen’s waist. “Didn’t I tell you that boy deserved a dog?”

  Galen hooted. “You did. They’ll go for long rides in the Jeep and take long naps.”

  Shane was busy taking the puppy out back, showing it the swamp, the yard, the bait shop. Lord.

  Galen turned and hugged his momma tight. “Thank you.”

  She stroked his back, stood on tiptoe to kiss his cheek. “Y’all needed me to come visit and cook for you. And that boy needed a dog. Now get me some sheets for the guest room.”

  Galen nodded, his smile coming real and easy.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  SHANE WAS up and bouncing, coffee brewing, puppy eating kibbles softened with warm milk. They had to take Momma to breakfast and buy stuff for supper and a puppy bed and toys and bones and a collar and maybe new sheets for the guest room, because Galen’s momma had sort of got that look at them, and that always made Galen touchy.

  Still, given that it was a surprise visit? The butt marks on random furniture were relatively few and far between, and the bathroom wasn’t terrifying. The fridge had been, but him and Len had stayed up a little and dumped the worst of it.

  The puppy finished his food, and Shane poured a cup of coffee, then scooped the sweet little turd up to go outside. “Come on, you little goober. Gotta do your business.”

  Galen came wandering out, blinking at him, looking rumpled and edible and grumpy as hell. “You’re up early.”

  Oh. Oh, that voice was like whiskey poured on a scrape. All rough morning burn.

  “The goober puppy was hungry and whining.” He held up his coffee cup, offering, taking a good long look. Long and strong and uhn. All his.

  Galen took the cup with a nod of thanks and downed the rest of the coffee in it. Those sloe eyes blinked at him, blurred and unfocused. “You gonna take him out?”

  “Uh-huh. Wanna come sit on the porch with me?” He grinned, took a kiss. Fuck, Galen was something else.

  “Yeah.” Galen reeled him in, slow and easy, bending to make the kiss deep and hungry. It woulda gone on and on if Goober hadn’t barked, making them both jump.

  “Man, he’s got a big bark for a little puppy.” He headed out the back door, tugging Len along with him. “Gonna be a pretty day.”

  “We could spend some time out on the deck… soak up some sun.” Galen came easily, hands moving on him randomly.

  “Mmm… I like what the sun does to your skin.” The pup went down to wander in the grass, and he leaned back against Len, relaxing under that touch.

  “Hell, I like what the sun does for your everything, darlin’. Like the way it lights up the little hairs on your thighs, like the way it makes the muscles on your belly look.” Galen stroked his belly, hands warm, firm.

  Oh. Damn. He stretched up, damn near purring with it, lips tracing Len’s jaw.

  “Oh, y’all made coffee. Bless you.” Momma’s voice came through the open kitchen window, breaking them apart. Len’s momma was a progressive woman, but damn, you didn’t want her watching through the curtain.

  “Mornin’, Momma.” Shane tried not to groan, gave Galen a grin. Man, she could have slept another hour….

  “Mornin’, boys. Get a move on. I’m hungry, and you don’t even have cereal.”

  Galen laughed, a puff of warm air on his neck. “We’ll be good until she takes a nap. Come on, darlin’. Get the pup so we can crate him up.”

  “Crate? We have one? Will he like it?” They’d better get Momma decaf over breakfast….

  “Uh.” Galen got a look on his face. “We’ll put him in the basket and bring him with us.”

  “Okay. Or we can lock him on the tile. It cleans easy….”

  “Yeah. And I like to watch you clean.”

  Damn. If that was supposed to make him not want to do it in front of Galen’s momma, it wasn’t working. “Yeah. Bubbles.” He blushed, rubbed against Galen a little as he went down to grab his puppy. “Goober! Come here, you. We gotta feed Momma.”

  The pup came tripping over its own ears, running right to him like he was the best thing going, panting and drooling.

  “Oh. Oh, look at you….” He chuckled, scooped Goober up, and laughed. “Damn, that’s something else. You see him, Len? He’s something else.”

  “He is.” Len looked like something else was both funny as hell and a little… odd. That look was fond but sorta bemused.

  Shane handed Len the puppy, kissing Galen hard. “I’ll go get newspapers and some towels.”

  Galen held the puppy gingerly, mouth opening and closing. He heard Galen’s momma cackle as she opened the door for him. “Now, that’s a sight.”

  Shane nodded happily. “They’re fine together. Puppy’s eyes are almost like Galen’s.”

  “Oh, they are. Though I don’t think that puppy has any thoughts of doing what Galen does to you, Shane honey.” Oh, she was a wicked woman.

  “Oh, Momma. Ew. That’s just…. Ew. Galen, cover that puppy’s ears before your momma scars his soul.”

  Galen laughed, low and husky. “She’s got a point.”

  Momma chuckled. “Go on, Shane darlin’. Newspaper and towels. Those pancakes are waiting.”

  “Yes, Momma.” He shook his head, blinking. Galen’s momma was a force of nature.

  She did love her pancakes too. He remembered that from last time. He could hear her and Galen talking, and Galen handed off the pup to go get dressed.

  He put Goober in the towels. “Now, look. You go on the papers and sleep on the towels and don’t make a fuss, and I’ll bring you a toy.”

  “You’re too cute, darlin’. Let’s go get Momma pancakes, and maybe she’ll let us fuck this afternoon.”

  “Decaf coffee, Galen. I’m serious.” He grinned up, patting Goober and moving toward the door, Goober following right behind. “No. No, Goob. In the towels.”

  He picked up the puppy, got him settled, and headed for the door, Goober right on his heels.

  Well, hell.


  “We’ll train him to do all this stuff, Shane. For now, I say we fence him in.” Galen got the big low chair from the entryway, one the pup couldn’t get under or over, and put it in front of the little niche by the kitchen, plopping puppy, towels, and paper on the other side. “You go on before he starts crying for you.”

  “Crying?” Oh, poor Goober. “Just tell him when we’ll be home. I’ll get Momma settled in the Jeep.”

  “Will do.” Galen gave him a thumbs-up, grinning at him.

  “Thanks, Len.” He grabbed his keys and wallet, then hurried out to the porch. “Come on, Momma. We’re taking the Jeep.”

  “Oh, I like your Jeep, Shane. Honey, do you really like the dog? I don’t want you to think you have to take him.” She was looking at him, dark eyes just as serious as Galen’s.

  “Have to? Oh, Momma…. He’s so pretty and soft, and we have to go buy him a bed of his own. And a collar. And bones. And other dog stuff.”

  “Oh, good. Galen told me you’d never had a dog, and I thought that was the worst thing I’d ever heard.” She had this look, this momma look that meant all boys should have dogs. It was cute. Stubborn.

  “We have a gator. Some
times. He lives in the pool.” He opened the door for her.

  “A gator?” She climbed in daintily, looking ladylike as anything. “That’s dangerous, honey.”

  “That’s my Shane. He lives for danger.” Galen hopped in. “Puppy taken care of.”

  “Thanks, Len.” He started the engine. “Vic’s not too dangerous, Momma. Not if you stay away from his teeth and give him the chickens real quick.”

  Momma laughed and laughed. “Only y’all would feed a gator off your back deck. Lord, Lord. Now let’s go eat and shop.”

  “Yes, ma’am. Pancakes and PetSmart. Right away.”

  Hopefully the walk would tire her out enough for a long nap.

  Chapter Seven

  THE HOUSE was spic-and-span. The puppy had a bed, some bones, a whole box of toys, and enough Beggin’ Strips for a Great Dane.

  When Momma went home, Galen breathed a sigh of relief. Sure he missed her like he always did, but between her and the puppy, he was getting a little grumpy.

  Lord, that woman would clean anything if it sat still long enough. And Shane was all about the puppy love. That pup was gonna be so spoiled. He grinned to himself as he put the last of the ingredients in his big pot for jambalaya. The place smelled like tomatoes and hot pepper, and the smell of lemon cleaner was slowly fading under it. That would have to cook some.

  Time to find Shane.

  Galen washed up a bit and went looking, needing like crazy.

  Shane was on the floor, remote in one hand, dozing as some shitty kung fu movie played. The pup was chewing on the end of Shane’s sock, tail wagging ninety to nothing.

  He grinned. Damn, that was cute. But he wanted his piece of Shane too. Gently disengaging the pup, Galen gave him scritches all the way to his crate and wrapped him up in Shane’s old sweatshirt. They’d found out that Goober wouldn’t cry if he could smell Shane.

  Then he went back to pounce on that fine ass.

  He loved how Shane slept, ass in the air, head buried in pillows or one arm. Cute as fuck. Also? Easy access.

  Hoo yeah. Galen stripped down. He didn’t figure he needed all those clothes in the way. Then he knelt at Shane’s feet and started working off the drooly socks.

  Shane hummed, chuckled in his sleep, ass wiggling a bit. “Mmm…. Galen.”

  Well, at least he didn’t say, “Mmm, Goober.” That was a good thing. Galen worked his way up to sit level with Shane’s hips, hands on that ass, squeezing.

  Shane arched, pushed right into his touch, eyes blinking open. “Mmm… you done making magic in the kitchen?”

  “I am. It has to cook for at least five hours.” He grinned, massaging a little. “Whatever will we do, darlin’?”

  “Oh, you’re a smart man, Len. I bet…. Oh….” Shane arched, moaning low. “I bet you can think of something.”

  “You think?” Hell, yes. He needed to get to Shane’s front, though. He tugged belt loops, getting Shane to turn over so he could get the button and zipper open. “I might could come up with something good.”

  Shane stretched out, hips rocking, wiggling, teasing him.

  “Oh, darlin’.” He slid one hand up Shane’s belly, the other down into those open jeans. “Been missing this.”

  Shane hummed, rocked between his hands. “Feels good, Len. Like magic.”

  “Mmm-hmm.” The shirt first, he decided. He wanted at those sensitive pierced nipples. He pushed the T-shirt off and pulled Shane up just a bit to get it over his head. “Damn. Pretty.”

  That tanned gold skin went all rosy, Shane’s nipples tightening up into hard little points for him.

  Fucking A. Galen pinched those pink nipples, pulling at the little gold rings. So hot.

  Shane groaned, eyes going hot and needy, shoulders lifting up off the floor. “Len! Oh fuck.”

  “That’s the idea, darlin’.” God, that was amazing. He bent, took one little ring between his teeth, pulled hard. He heard Shane’s feet drumming on the floor, heard the sweet, hungry cry as Shane bucked. One hand wrapped around the back of his neck, held him tight. He licked and sucked before moving over to the other nipple, sliding his hand back down into Shane’s jeans to find his cock.

  Oh, hell, yeah. Hot and hard, tip already wet—Shane was feeling it.

  Feeling downright possessive after Momma’s visit and all, Galen sucked one nipple until it was practically purple. His hand worked Shane good, thumb dipping into the slit. All sorts of words poured down over him—desperate and hungry, low and horny and perverted as all get-out. Shane humped against his hand, cock throbbing with it. He had to taste. Had to. Galen moved again, yanked Shane’s jeans down around his knees, and bent to that hot prick, licked and sucked.

  “Oh. Oh fuck. Len. Love.” Shane’s hands were in his hair, hips bucking up, driving up toward his mouth.

  He hummed, loving the heat, the salt, the way Shane’s cock rode against his tongue. Fuck, he loved to suck this man, loved the feel of it, the weight of it, the urgency. He pulled against Shane’s balls as he hollowed his cheeks, just needing.

  The cry that echoed right before Shane gave it up to him was pure desire, hotter than the August sun.

  He sucked it all down, licked Shane clean before moving to straddle Shane’s hips and taking a kiss. He rubbed and rubbed that sweet belly, cock hard as a rock.

  “Mmm… what do you want, Len? Anything.” Shane was a little blinky, the kisses sloppy.

  “Just want you, darlin’. Need you so bad.” He couldn’t decide. Shane’s mouth? His ass? The way he was feeling, he might come right there on that tight little belly. He pinched Shane’s bruised nipple, relishing that gasp.

  “Shit, love. ’M all yours.” Shane squeezed his ass, tugged them closer together.

  “Mine. Yeah….” Oh, fuck, yes. Galen rocked and rubbed, leaving a wet trail on the tiny hairs below Shane’s belly button. “I ache, darlin’.”

  Those fingers on his ass slid inward, fingers tapping and teasing his hole. “Anything you want.”

  “Oh. Oh fuck. Touch me, Shane.” Yeah, he was going crazy, humping like there was no tomorrow.

  One hand slid around, worked his cock like a fucking pro while the fingers on his ass liked to drive him crazy. He couldn’t hold it. When Shane pulled on his cock just that way and one finger slid right inside him, burning all the way, Galen lost it. He shot hard, wet heat spilling out on Shane’s belly and chest.

  “Oh shit, you’re so fine.” Shane was watching, eyes wide and bright, like he was the center of the fucking universe.

  He bent and kissed Shane’s swollen lips, feeling like everything had shifted back into place. “Just love you, is all.”

  Shane chuckled, tongue slipping out to taste. “Yeah. That’s all.”

  He nuzzled, sniffed, the smell of them starting to mix with the jambalaya in the kitchen. “You want cornbread?”

  “Mmm… yeah. I think there’s cheesecake left over for after too.”

  “Oh. Cool.” Not that he was inclined to move. Good thing they had a few hours on the food.

  Shane nodded, lips soft and wicked sweet on his throat. Oh, hell, yeah. Good thing.

  Chapter Eight

  THE SUN was shining. The day was warm as anything, and Shane was out there in the sunshine and a pair of cutoffs, washing the Jeep with the kind of enthusiasm he usually reserved for the tub.

  The pup was sound asleep in his little bed on the deck. There was turkey and sausage in the smoker Momma had gotten him for his birthday. Fuck, life was good.

  Galen got his hat to keep the sun out of his eyes and started out to help Shane wash, but the sight of that little butt wiggling along to a Buffet song stopped him, made him tilt his head. Galen went back inside, got a tube of lube, and stripped off his jeans and shirt. At the last minute he put his boots back on, because, Lord knew, there would be mud, and headed back out, almost laughing at the way his cock bobbed in front of him.

  But not quite, because when he slid right up behind Shane and pressed his cock against that as
s just so? He wanted it to be a surprise.

  Those cutoffs were soaked all through, the Jeep sparkling and bubbly in the sunshine, Shane’s skin gold and shining with the heat.

  Hell, yes. He tiptoed right up behind Shane, moving close so there would be no spraying with the hose. Then he slid his arms around Shane’s waist, resting his chin on Shane’s shoulder.

  “Hey, darlin’.”

  Shane jumped, gasped, ass pushing right back against his hard cock. “Oh! Hey!”

  “You? Look edible, darlin’.” He hooked his fingers in the front belt loops of Shane’s cutoffs, tugging a bit. “Warm and wet and mine.”

  “Mmm… yours? You sure?” Shane was all laughter, eyes dancing.

  The side of Shane’s throat called to him, and Galen bit down on it. “Very sure, Shane.”

  Shane groaned, ass rubbing his cock, rocking, asking for it.

  Galen wasn’t much of a talker, really, but he had to tell Shane. He had to. “You were out here in the sun, darlin’, just glowing, and I had to.”

  He unbuttoned Shane’s cutoffs and pushed them down, let Shane feel him, naked and hot.

  “Oh. Oh damn, Len.” Shane’s hands landed on the Jeep, slipping and sliding forward in the suds.

  “Yeah. Had to have you.” Perfect. Now Shane was all ready for him. Just like that. He grabbed Shane’s hips, rubbing up on him.

  Shane spread, ending up leaning over the Jeep. He could feel Shane’s thighs, tight and hot against him. “Yours. Fuck, Len.”

  “Gonna, darlin’. Gonna fuck you good.” He’d forgotten the little tube in his hand, but it was only a little squashed where he’d pressed it up against Shane’s hip. Galen got it open, got his fingers slick, and slipped two into Shane’s body, staring at where they joined up. “Fuck, you’re gorgeous.”

  The breath huffed out of Shane in a moan. “Oh, that’s…. More, yeah?”

  “Yeah, Shane. More.” He gave Shane more, fingers searching out the hot spot inside. The birds chirped at them, and soap bubbles popped on their skin, and he couldn’t ask for a more perfect day.