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Tropical Depression Page 11
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Page 11
His cries echoed, ringing through the air as his body rocked, worked to get closer to Galen.
“Come on, darlin’.” Grabbing his thigh, Galen wrapped his leg up around Galen’s hip, encouraging him. “Come on. You. So good.”
He nodded, bumped his head against the hood. His balls drew up, hips snapping, and he shot hard.
“Oh. Oh fuck, Shane.” Galen came maybe two seconds behind him, warmth and wetness spreading over him as Len jerked and moaned. “Oh, darlin’.”
“Uh-huh.” He sorta melted, panting. “Yeah.”
They rested for a bit, Galen’s forehead against his, sharing breath. As he was about to doze off right there, Goober set up a howl from inside the house, making both of them jump.
“Lord, that puppy sounds like a haint.” He groaned, let Len tug him up, a little shaky in his boots. “You get all your business done?”
“I did. I’m all yours for the day, darlin’. Though I ought to let you say hi to your mutt.”
Hitching up his jeans, Galen took Shane’s hand as they wandered up to the house. Goob hit his legs like a hairy cannonball as Len opened the door.
“Oh, look who I found!” He got down and scritched Goob’s ears. Man, that little tail wagged and wagged.
“He’s been missing you too. But it’s just as well he wasn’t behind the bar tonight, huh?” Oh, Len got the cutest smile on his face when he watched him and Goober. Like a proud papa or something.
“Oh, he’d have bit those stupid motherfuckers hard. ’Course, I reckon I’ll hear from that one boy’s lawyer. He’s all tore up.” He sighed, nuzzled Goob a second.
“Well, you’ve got the tapes. And I got better lawyers, I bet.” Len pulled him up for another kiss, heading on in, Goob tripping along behind. “You hungry?”
“I guess.” He went to make coffee, pottering, finding a treat for Goob on the way. “What did you have for supper?”
“I just had a sandwich. I could eat. You want some bacon and eggs?” Len rubbed on him as they passed in the kitchen, went to the fridge and pulled shit out.
“Sure enough.” He washed his hands, fingers working the couple scratches left by the cuffs. Assholes. Fucking made him ride to the goddamn police station in a goddamn black and white.
Even busy cracking eggs, Len didn’t miss that, frowning over. “They didn’t hurt you, did they? ’Cause I can always go kick some ass.”
Right, ’cause Galen had all this spare ass-kickin’ time.
“The stupid cuffs. Kids didn’t get but one or two shots in. They were just posers.” Scared him, though, seeing that pistol.
“Fuck, darlin’.” Galen abandoned the eggs and came over, pulling him close. “Fuck.”
“Yeah. Gonna have a talk about locking up after last call.” He was starting to shake a little—tired, he guessed. Hungry.
“Yeah. Come on and sit down.” He made it to the table before his knees gave out, the coffee starting to smell good. “You relax. You want some orange juice?”
His Len. Always looking out for him.
“No. Yes. I mean, I’m okay. Just….” His hands were jittering like they belonged to somebody else. Lord.
Squatting in front of him, Len grabbed his hands and held on warm and tight. “Let me get you some food, darlin’. It will help. Here, pet Goob a bit.”
He nodded, the pup snuggling into his arms, all skunk-breath and floppy ears. “Sorry. I’m good. It was real quick. Well, except the waiting part.”
“I know. But it gets to you when it all stops and you have time to think.”
Before he could even blink a few times, there was bacon and eggs and orange juice, Galen sitting down with him and pushing him to eat, fussing a little. The food tasted good, but it was the orange juice that really set him to rights—all bright and sweet and shit. Okay. Okay, better. “Thanks, Len.”
“No problem, darlin’.” Yeah. Those black as fuck eyes said the same—No problem, and I’m glad you’re all right, and I love you.
He nodded before reaching out to grab Len’s hand and holding on. Squeezing.
Tugging, Len brought him over on Len’s lap and held on as well, nuzzling against his neck. He could feel the day’s growth of whiskers, feel the tension in Len’s muscles ease.
Shane leaned in close, lips on Galen’s head. “Gonna just stay right here.”
“That sounds like the best idea in a long while, darlin’.” Turning to kiss his neck, Galen stroked his back, humming. “It surely does.”
He nodded, breathed in deep. It was good—the smells of bacon and coffee, oranges and Pine-Sol, Galen and him. Smelled like home.
Home and safe and sound.
Which was a hell of a lot better than the police station for sure.
GALEN SWORE by all he held holy that if one more drunk motherfucker so much as touched him….
“So where are you off to after this, Mr. Frost?” the bartender was a sweet little girl who kept pouring him iced tea without a mutter.
“Home. It’s been damn near a month, and I need to….” He needed Shane, for fuck’s sake. He needed touch and love and a certain tight-assed little bastard who was at home waiting for him. “Just get home.”
“I get that. Where’s—”
“Frost, Frank here told me you forgot to shave, man.” Some son of a bitch clapped him on the back, sloshing his tea over his fingers. “Let me buy you a grown-up drink.”
“Thank you. I have to drive home.” Christ, he was tired of being here, feeling like a jackass yokel, like he was this stupid swampbaby that needed the suits to give him cash. Worse? He hated knowing that he needed these suits to give him money. “In fact, I was just on my way out. Y’all have fun.”
“You’re leaving?” Somehow Frank was right there at his elbow, hand on his arm.
“I am. I have to get home, man. It’s been weeks.” Too many weeks and his lover was waiting there like a promise. “I’m going to take a few days”—weeks—“off and get some sleep.”
Frank rolled his eyes. “Go on, then. Our next big meetings will be in Dallas—your look will go over better there, huh?”
“I sure as shit hope so.” See him, see him not lose his ever-loving shit. “See you. I’ll call.”
It took nothing to get his truck from valet and then get his happy ass on the road. This had been his last stop, and he was only a little over an hour from home. All he had to do was keep it between the navigational beacons and he was home free.
Or, given the time, bar free. Home would have to wait for Shane to get off work.
It seemed like forever and no time at all before he pulled into the parking lot, coming to light beside Shane’s Jeep. He sat there for a second, listening to the quiet, just closing his eyes and having a moment.
Then he headed into the bar, searching for Shane, his eyes landing on his lover like Shane was made for him.
Popping the first three buttons on his stifling dress shirt, Galen let his jacket hang open, bellying right up to the bar and waiting for Shane to notice him. God, Shane looked good. Like home.
Those eyes landed on him, going from surprised to happy to hot as fuck as they traveled over him. Oh. Oh, man. That look did a man good.
Shane walked over as if drawn there. “Hey.”
“Hey, darlin’. You having a good night?” Most everyone knew, but there was always a yahoo or two in the bar who might not take kindly to them doing what Galen really wanted to do, so he curled his fingers into his palms.
“Yeah.” He got a smile, the black shirt clinging to every fucking one of Shane’s muscles before disappearing into jeans that looked just like a second skin. He could see those nipple rings, clear as a bell. “Better now. You?”
“It was boring, darlin’. I had a lot of time to… think.” A whole lot of time. Grinning, he leaned his elbows on the bar.
“Yeah?” Shane grabbed a glass and a bottle of Jack, poured him a double. “You thinking something good?” He could see Shane vibrating, those eyes like a touch.
“I am. I sat in that meeting and drank enough iced tea to make a man drown and thought of you….” Oh, the things he’d thought of. Galen shifted, his cock rising.
He just heard the moan, deep and quiet under the music. Oh yeah. Somebody was needing him.
“Good thoughts?” Shane asked.
“Uh-huh. Was thinking about putting your chain on you, maybe tying your hands up so your arms stand out all pretty… maybe the plug. It kept me going. They all just got drunk, Shane.” Bastards.
“They ain’t worth thinking about, Len.” Shane stepped closer, watching him like a rabbit watched a snake.
“Uh-huh.” Galen sucked down his shot and motioned for Shane to pour him another, reaching out to stroke Shane’s wrist as he poured.
Shane’s hand shook, whiskey spilling over those square fingers. “Galen.”
“Shhh.” He waited, lightly holding Shane’s wrist as he set the bottle aside before bending down over Shane’s hand to lick the Jack right off it.
This time the cry wasn’t quiet, just a little desperate, needy as Shane’s fingers curled.
“Let’s go upstairs. Please? I can put you in the office chair, leave marks all over you.” God, he wanted that.
Shane nodded, fingers twining with his and tugging him toward the stairs, not even saying a word to the guys on the clock.
Galen raised his free hand to wave at Jake, who’d caught his eye and nodded, following Shane up. Once they were locked in the office, he took a kiss that tried hard to knock the top of his head off.
Shane was hard as diamond against his thigh, rubbing furiously, working away. No one had ever reacted to him like Shane did. No one.
Galen pressed Shane back against the door and dropped to his knees, the dress pants not nearly as good for that as an old pair of jeans, but Galen ignored the scrape, opening Shane’s button and zipper, working that sweet cock out so he could touch and taste.
“Galen.” Shane stared down at him, thighs rock-hard in denim, cock pushing out for him. Wet-tipped and dark, Shane smelled so good, so needy.
“Mmm-hmm. Want.” Without waiting any longer, Galen sank his mouth down on that sweet cock, lips closing tight so he could suck.
Shane’s hips rolled, that crack as Shane’s head hit the wall enough to make him chuckle. He reached back into the thin denim around Shane’s hips, fingers searching out Shane’s balls to roll them gently. Shane was on fire, salt sliding onto his tongue, balls tight as all get-out.
Yeah. Oh yeah. Galen rode the feeling, sucking and licking, encouraging Shane to move, to roll his skinny hips. Then he pulled off for a second to rub his bearded cheek against Shane’s wet cock. Unlike the business assholes? Shane liked his beard.
In fact, Shane whimpered, arched right up and shot, Galen’s name ringing out.
Chuckling, Galen wiped at his cheek and neck, licking Shane while he shrugged out of his jacket. Grabbing Shane’s hips, Galen got up, moving them to the office chair by the desk. Shane’s tongue slid over his cheek, his jaw, cleaning him up, revving him up.
“Now, I think I said something about putting you in this chair and loving all over you, didn’t I? Get naked, darlin’.”
“Uh-huh….” Shane fumbled over his shirt buttons, mouth still moving on his skin.
Poor Shane didn’t do multitasking well unless he was behind the bar. Galen helped, pushing Shane’s open jeans down, squeezing a nice double handful of ass.
Shane groaned, teeth on his skin, low whimper tickling him. “Want to feel you everywhere.”
“Gonna, Shane. Let’s get this off….” The rest of Shane’s clothes fell to the floor, and Galen pushed, letting him fall back into the chair, groaning at the picture Shane made, all spread, eyes heavy-lidded and lazy.
Shane hummed, fingers wrapped around that half-hard cock, stroking slow and easy.
“Uhn.” Damn, that just…. Fuck. “Should I start at the top or the bottom, darlin’?”
“Top. Top. Kiss me.”
“I can do that.” Leaning on the arms of the chair, Galen took a kiss, only his mouth touching Shane, his tongue slipping out to taste.
Shane moaned, lips opening, tongue sliding out against his own.
Kissing Shane was one of the great pleasures of his life. It really was. He took that kiss deep and hard, finally touching, bracing on one hand and raising his other to cup the back of Shane’s head. That got Shane to arching against him, hands sliding down his chest.
His clothes were in the way, the shirt and pants feeling hot and tight. Galen let go long enough to strip down, giving Shane a show, watching that hot little body the whole time. Shane kept jacking that pretty prick, one knee drawn up and back, letting him see.
“Oh, darlin’. What you do to me.” His own cock tried to smack his belly when he let it loose, and Galen gave it a few good strokes, feeling fine.
“Mmm-hmm. You’re something, and I want every inch of it.”
“You’re gonna get it. Soon as I mark you all over I’m gonna sit in that chair and you’re gonna ride me.” Then he’d take Shane home and tie him and plug him and just…. God.
“Yeah. Then we’re going home to play, Len. I’ll take tomorrow off. Tomorrow and Monday.” Shane’s tongue flicked out, wetting those lips.
“Oh. Yeah. I love that.” Galen sauntered the few steps back to Shane, bent and bit Shane’s shoulder. Shane jerked like he was surprised, like electricity passed right between them, the deep cry sweet as all fuck. That sound made his cock jerk right back, and Galen went looking for more, lips and tongue moving on Shane’s upper arm. The muscles there were tight as fuck, the tanned skin just begging for him to bruise, to bite. Shane always took what he gave so beautifully. He left a mark on Shane’s arm, sucking hard, loving on him. Shane stretched up, spreading out for him, giving it up. Decadent and so pretty, his Shane.
Where next? Shane’s chest, maybe, right above the nipple, his tongue flicking the tiny ring below. Shane shifted, ass sliding on the leather chair. The leg caught on the chair arm spread wider, Shane groaning. Galen couldn’t stop his hand from reaching, from sliding down Shane’s chest and belly to grip Shane’s cock, even as he pulled the nipple ring with his teeth. That dark flesh went tight and hard under his lips, Shane’s cock jerking in his hand. Low babble started, nonsense words as Shane tugged his head closer, kept his mouth right there.
Galen licked, flipping the little ring back and forth before biting again, pulling. All the time his hand moved, stroked, his fingers sliding on Shane’s cock. Shane’s lips brushed his head, fingers traveling, searching, wanting. Felt good, so good, Shane’s hand on his skin. All the time he’d been gone he’d thought of it, let it keep him from killing those smug jerks he was meeting with. Galen bit down on Shane’s nipple harder, letting it sting.
“Uhn. Fuck, yeah.” Shane’s fingers liked to drive him crazy, pushing and rubbing good and hard. Sensation zinged up and down his spine as Shane touched him, shoulders to ass, then stroked his arms. Galen moved his mouth over to the other nipple, sucking up a hickey right above it.
“Oh.” That skin flushed for him, sweet and rose, that blood reaching up for his lips.
“Mmm. So pretty.” Bending deeper, Galen licked at Shane’s belly, following the glory trail.
“Yours.” Shane arched, thighs pretty and tensed, belly rippling.
“Mine,” he agreed, rubbing his cheek there, letting his beard scrape that sensitive lower belly before dropping to his knees again to nibble on Shane’s thighs, the hairs tickling his lips. Shane moaned, chuckled, twisting. Fuck, but that was a happy sound. Galen dug his chin in, giving Shane a little extra sensation, a touch of harsh to go with the soft. That got him a grunt, Shane pushing right back, demanding from him.
Gripping the backs of Shane’s calves, Galen gave, his lips nudging the head of Shane’s cock, his tongue coming out to taste again. His own prick ached.
“Mmm…. Want you to fuck me. Need it, yeah? To feel you.”
“Yeah, darli
n’. Yeah. Gonna.” He got up, lifted Shane up out of the chair, patting that tight little ass. “Go get the lube.”
Shane got to digging for a set of keys, unlocked that little top drawer that held their stash. Mmm. There was the little blue plug. Shane could wear it on the ride home.
“Get the plug too, Shane. Put it on the desk.” He wanted Shane to know while he was fucking him, to know that he’d be holding it all in while they made the drive. Galen sprawled in the chair, touching himself, watching Shane.
“Bossy.” Shane did it, though, licking those parted lips, walking over to straddle his thighs.
“You know it.” He gripped Shane’s ass, so tight and hot, his fingers digging into the muscle. “Yum. Come here and kiss me.”
The hum vibrated his lips, soft and slinky and hot as fire. Then Shane’s tongue slid in, taking his mouth and making him melt. Damn. Just damn. And Shane called him pushy. He let Shane take the kiss where he wanted, opening his mouth up for Shane to feel and taste, the kiss wet and hot. Shane moved and rocked and loved on him, got lost in him like no one ever.
The lube had fallen between them, so Galen grabbed it up and wrestled it open, getting some on his fingers so he could reach behind Shane and press at that hot little hole, kissing and nibbling Shane’s mouth all the while. He loved how soft Shane’s lips got when they’d been kissing a long time, loved how Shane’s breath came faster and faster. Shane watched him, eyes focused and dazed all at once where they stared into him. Between that and Shane’s skin, hot as hell against his chest, his thighs, his belly, his hands? Damn. Just, damn.
Two fingers slipped right inside, Shane open and easy for him, responding so well, so pretty. All Galen could do was moan and reach, thrusting his fingers in, curling them, trying to find that little gland. He knew when he found it, Shane whimpering right into his mouth.
“Mmm.” He hummed into the kiss, letting Shane hear his pleasure too, hitting the little spot inside Shane’s body over and over again.
Shane started rocking, hand sliding down, wrapping around his prick. That thumb knew where to press, how to make him lose his rhythm.